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Mahama talks tough, cautions EC to desist from any attempts to manipulate 2024 polls …Says NDC will resist any sinister plot.

Mahama talks tough, cautions EC to desist from any attempts to manipulate 2024 polls …Says NDC will resist any sinister plot.

The flagbearer of Ghana’s largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), and former president, Mr. John Dramani Mahama has cautioned Ghana’s electoral management body to desist from any attempts to manipulate 2024 polls

According to him, the NDC will resist any attempt by the Electoral Commission (EC) to rig the 2024 elections.

The leader of the opposition NDC warned that sinister plans by the EC to use the ECOWAS Card a.k.a Ghana Card as the only source document for registration onto the voters’ register will be fiercely resisted and prevented.

The former president, gave the caution while speaking at a programme organised by the Tertiary Education Institutions Network (TEIN) -Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the tertiary education wing of the NDC in Kumasi in the Ashanti region.

The NDC flagbearer said his party will not allow itself to be cheated.

“It is in this light that we in the NDC wish to make clear that we will resist and prevent any sinister plot by the EC to manipulate the outcome of the 2024 elections even before the first ballot is cast through the needless and unapproved insistence of the Ghana Card as the only means of registration. The EC remains intransigent and appears determined to make it difficult for sections of our population to have their names on the voter register.” He said.

Story: Kwadwo BUABENG

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