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I’ll ensure Ghana’s dying textile industry is brought to life – K. T. Hammond 

I’ll ensure Ghana's dying textile industry is brought to life – K. T. Hammond 

Presidential nominee for Trade and Industries, K.T Hammond has assured that he will work around the clock to ensure that the ‘dying’ Ghanaian textile industry is brought back to life when given the nod. 

Mr. K. T. Hammond gave the assurance when he appeared before the Appointment Committee of Parliament during his vetting today, Monday, February 20, 2023.

The President’s nominee for Trade and Industry’s assurance came on the back of a question asked by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Odododiodio constituency in the Greater Accra region, Mr. Nii Lamptey Vanderpuiye.

“Mr. nominee what will you do differently to ensure that the collapsing Ghanaian textile industry is revived when given the nod? The Odododiodio lawmaker asked.

Mr. Hammond further explained that the government had made several attempts to ensure the textile industry bounced back.

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