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Afenyo-Markin fumes at NDC… say party’s position on vetting & approval of Prez nominees politically immature

Afenyo-Markin fumes at NDC… say party’s position on vetting & approval of Prez nominees politically immature

The deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Kwanena Afenyo-Markin has described as political immaturity, the position of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Minority Caucus in Parliament not to approve any of the Ministerial nominees who are currently being vetted by the Appointments Committee of Parliament.

The Minority caucus in Parliament through a press conference addressed by its Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Baah Forson, on Monday. February 20, 2023, served notice that they will participate in the vetting process but will reject the approval of all the nominees.

“We in the Minority wish to make it clear that we remain committed to ensuring greater scrutiny and will spare no effort to protect the public purse. In line with this, we are taking part in the vetting process so that at the very minimum, we can scrutinize the President’s decision in bringing up those nominees. However, the Minority will not subscribe to a consensus vote at the level of the Appointments Committee.” The Minority Leader noted

The decision of the Minority comes after the National Executives of NDC on Sunday, 19th February 2023 warned the caucus not to approve any of the ministers nominated by President Akufo-Addo.

But reacting to the minority’s position, the Deputy Majority Leader and MP for the Effutu Constituency in the Central Region expressed his disappointment with the conduct of the minority.

“I’m disappointed in the NDC and if they really want to portray themselves as a party ready to take the reigns of government, then they should behave well. What they are doing is way below belt and they are not demonstrating political maturity.” He cried.

Story: Kwadwo Buabeng

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