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Government cannot win galamsey fight alone – Deputy Lands & Natural Resources Minister

Government cannot win galamsey fight alone – Deputy Lands & Natural Resources Minister

The Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Mr. George Mireku Duker, says the government cannot win the illegal mining, also known as “galamsey” battle alone.

According to him to win the galamsey battle requires the support and involvement of all citizens.

The Deputy Lands and Natural Resources Minister is, therefore, encouraging all Ghanaians to actively support the fight against illegal mining.

Mr. Mireku Duker who made this assertion during a tour of some mining sites in the Western Region, also urged illegal miners to consider the community mining scheme as a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative.

“Ghanaians must understand and know what they are fighting for,” Mr. Duker said.

“People are so determined that whatever happens, they will go the extra mile to mine without following regulations. That is why as a ministry, we have also organized this community mining concept, asking them to move out of our river bodies. Come and join the community mining, where it is organized and the government is providing mining machines for you to mine and mine responsibly” He added.


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