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Assuming the office of the Speaker: Bagbin and his Staff, My observations

Assuming the office of the Speaker: Bagbin and his Staff, My observations

Since the inauguration and the election of Rt Hon Alban Sumani Bagbin, as the Speaker, of the 8th Parliament, the institution has seen and continues to see tremendous improvements in the area of its staffing or personnel development.

Human Resources is key to the development and growth of any organization and Parliament is no exception.

As a Parliamentary observer, it is arguably fair on my part to state that the confidence and commitment levels of the staff have improved tremendously. It is visibly written on their faces. Even though not cumulative. The consideration and the recognition of staff as core to the success of Parliament in its duties and assignments is seen also as a form of motivation for them to deliver.

I speak with many of the staff and they continue to express their happiness with the leadership of the current Speaker. They commend him for the numerous initiatives he has introduced that have contributed to raising their motivational spirit to perform their duties with dexterity.

They talk about the availability of tools they work with, their promotions, their medicals, the environment, training programs both internal and external, and the leadership style of the Speaker. They also expressed their enthusiasm to the Speaker for the institution of a day every week for the staff to have access to him, both formal and informal.

They also commend him for sustaining the usual staff durbars, where they have the opportunity to share ideas, thoughts, and proffer suggestions for the growth of the institution.

Leadership is key in bringing hope, happiness, and results. And Speaker Alban Bagbin is demonstrating that both to the letter and the spirit.

Parliament is the citadel of Democracy, and any untoward act on the part of the staff can mar the nation’s democracy or the job of the House.

Key requirements are impartiality, neutrality, and apolitical on the part of the staff as they serve the Speaker, the leadership, the Hon Members, and the House itself.

Therefore, creating an enabling environment for the staff to improve themselves professionally must be encouraged, sustained, and commended.

Yours truly is not flattering the dynamic and courageous leadership of the Speaker just for the sake of stating that but it is something that is visible, apt, and realistic and being felt by many of the enthusiastic staff of the House.

This is the outcome of my covert research or interactions I had with some of the staff.

Parliament is a huge institution with departments such as Hansards, Marshal/security, Accounts, administration, Human Resources, Public Affairs, Protocol, Audio- Visual, Catering, Research, etc.

It also has a Police Station, Fire Service, Ambulance Service, and Medical Service or Clinic. Also available is a Psychology Unit.

Parliamentary staff also appreciate God as the centerpiece of their living, growth, and accomplishments and have lobbied their management to include places of worship or adoration. These places include a Mosque for the Muslim staff and a Church for their Christian counterparts.

Let me also appeal to the top-level management of Parliament to continue to cooperate with the Speaker of the House to achieve his various novelty and productive initiatives for the growth of the House and the sustainability of our nascent democracy.

Many leaders, but the absence of leadership, this statement does not apply to the current Speaker of the 8th Parliament.

Leadership at its best.

Rt. Hon Speaker, this positive path you have introduced to change the phase of Parliament, especially in the area of human resource development and capacity building of the staff, is commendable and posterity will remember you positively, productively, and progressively when one day you exit your leadership position as the third most powerful person in our democratic and constitutional arrangement.

The current peaceful atmosphere Parliament is enjoying can be attributed to your sterling and all-inclusive leadership style.

Keep it up.

By: Ahmed -The Servant, watching from afar.

inghananewstoday is a 24-hour new media company with a wide array of products including general news, politics, business, technology, and a specialized segment on water and sanitation (WASH) issues.

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