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Report Advertisement which contravenes Schedule V diseases as specified in the Public Health Act – FDA

Report Advertisement which contravenes Schedule V diseases as specified in the Public Health Act – FDA

The management of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) is urging the public to report any advertisements which contravene Schedule V diseases as specified in the Public Health Act (Act 851).

The call was contained in a release that seems to be a direct response to follow-up questions made by the Stroke Association Support Network-Ghana regarding the advertisement of Hypertension drugs and disease conditions (NCDs) by some ‘health’ facilities and Practitioners at the just-ended two-day roundtable on hypertension in Ghana by the Ghanaian Society of Cardiology, Stroke Association Support Network-Ghana, and the World Heart Federation.

Report Advertisement which contravenes Schedule V diseases as specified in the Public Health Act - FDA

According to the release, the FDA said it has registered products for the management of hypertension including FDC which are available on the market for use.

It disclosed that a mobile app has also been developed for reporting adverse drug reactions. That is the Med Safety App which can be downloaded from the app stores (Android, iPhone) the release added.

“The FDA regulates the advertisement of all products regulated by the FDA. Advertisement for medicines is only allowed for Over- the- Counter Medicines and these advertisement has to be vetted and approved by the FDA.

However, for Pharmacist initiated and Prescription only Medicines the FDA allows for advertisement in scientific journals or distribution of promotional materials to professional bodies, and these are also vetted and approved by the FDA.

Advertisement on Schedule V diseases as specified in the public health act (Act 851) if the advertisement is only limited to the facility being advertised as a Healthcare facility, the FDA does not regulate it.

If the advert mentions the treatment of specific conditions, listed in Schedule V, even without mentioning products, such advertisement come under the Act thus punishable by law.

The FDA encourages everyone to report any such advertisement to its various platforms (email, hotlines, social media handles, in person at all its various regional offices) and the issue will be duly investigated. ” Portions of the release stated.


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