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GNAT cautions Gov’t to grant 20% COLA by end of June

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has given the government by end of June this year to grant them 20 percent Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) or risk the anger of over 240,000 teachers nationwide.

According to GNAT, the current delay continues to affect the meager earnings of workers.

Speaking in an interview with the media in Accra, the General Secretary of GNAT, Mr. Thomas Musah Tanko that the delay in paying the 20% COLA has affected the basic necessities of life.

According to him, there is an uneasy calm among the members of GNAT over the development.

“Things are now very difficult. I have spoken about this thing and I have been compelled under the circumstances because our members have been calling day and night, there is an uneasy calm among the entire membership and there is the need for something to be done as soon as possible.

“As I said, we are talking about the basic necessities of life, the issues of water, food shelter, clothing, ability to pay your daily expenses, and things that will enable you to live as a human being.”  Mr. Tanko

Story: News Desk Report

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