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A Journalist Is A Human Like A Politician

A Journalist Is A Human Like A Politician

A journalist is a human who has chosen the profession of gathering, processing, and disseminating information to his or her audience.
He does it either through his pen or his voice,(broadcasting).
He is a human who is not perfect like a politician who represents his constituents or the nation with the aim of improving their lives, not stealing from them.
The politician is as fallible as the journalist.
Yesterday, Friday 24th February 2023 in the House of Parliament in our Republic, a colleague journalist was almost slaughtered by some members of the House, because he had goofed on his reportage.
Yes, he misreported some aspects of what transpired in the previous sitting of the House.
A member of the House raised the issue and some members who are perceived to be friends of the media went berserk on the innocent journalist.
They used some hostile words describing both the journalist and the reportage.
These same members are beneficiaries of the positive stories journalists tell the world about their jobs and performances. (Parliamentary Press Corps).
Those members could have used a refined method to draw the attention of the journalist because he is a member of the Press Corps who is always in the House with them. (A corp that works with the members of the House).
Thank God for the Speaker of the House, and some few members of the House who came in defense of the beleaguered journalist, whose rights of defense were blocked and curtailed because he does not enjoy any privilege.
Our MPs should appreciate the role of the media or journalists especially the members of the Parliamentary Press Corps who have been projecting them to the world.
I will not defend a journalist either from the Corps or anywhere if the person buries the ethics to do gutter journalism, but yesterday’s posture on the part of the known MPs was uncalled for, unnecessary and unfriendly.
I once again commend the Speaker for his fatherly intervention and two other MPs from the Majority side for their positive submissions.
I will like to urge my colleagues to exhibit circumspection in their reportage and be careful with some politicians who after all are not friends.
They can abandon you at the time their intervention, love, and defense are needed.
A journalist is a human like a politician. Both are not perfect.

Article by: Ahmed Osumanu Halid, Nima-441

inghananewstoday is a 24-hour new media company with a wide array of products including general news, politics, business, technology, and a specialized segment on water and sanitation (WASH) issues.

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