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Ken Ofori-Atta must listen to AG

Ken Ofori-Atta must listen to AG

The Attorney General is the only position defined by the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

The 1992 Constitution is the Supreme law of the country.

No law is above it. Any law in conflict with it, that law is declared null and void.

It is the only law that one can be compensated for salvaging its overthrow.

Article 88 states the functions of the Attorney General. Among his functions, roles, or duties, he is the Government Legal Advisor.

He has a huge role to advise the government on all legal matters; Contractual both local and foreign, constitutional, civil, criminal, and all manner of issues in legal remit.

It is the only position that comes with its profession or training. For example, every professional can be appointed to any portfolio. A medical doctor can be appointed as a Finance, Education, or Energy Minister but not as an Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

The current Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame, and his team have been very proactive when it comes to government/state legal matters both domestic and international.

The recent victory in Norway in the matter of Government versus a private company in Norway, on the purchase of immovable property by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The legal team led by the AG floored their contenders to get some palatable damages for the state.

He has advised the Finance Minister to be careful on the issue of haircuts on the investments by the population, as part of the Government Debt Restructure Programme.

This legal counseling by the AG is timeous and appropriate.

I will not like to retreat the facts of the matter, but just to advise our beleaguered Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta to as a matter of fact and urgency, listen to Godfred Dame.

Once again, I commend the AG for expertly doing the needful.

A society without the law is a chaotic one.

By: Ahmed Osumanu Halid, Nima 441

inghananewstoday is a 24-hour new media company with a wide array of products including general news, politics, business, technology, and a specialized segment on water and sanitation (WASH) issues.

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