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Ghana likely to be invaded by terrorists through Galamsey activities – National Security Minister

Ghana likely to be invaded by terrorists through Galamsey activities – National Security Minister

Ghana’s National Security Minister, Mr. Albert Kan Dapaah has hinted that Ghana is likely to be invaded by terrorists through Galamsey activities.

He noted that terrorists are exploring all avenues to carry out their nefarious activities including the illegal small-scale mining popularly known as galamsey as an avenue to invade the country.

Mr. Kan Dapaah made the hint when addressing the media during the Minister’s Press Briefing in Accra on Sunday, November 20, 2022.

The National Security Minister explained that a similar situation is happening in Ghana’s neighboring countries such as Mali and Burkina where terrorists have been attracted to gold mining.

“In Mali, in Burkina Faso, the terrorists have always been attracted to gold mining areas. Clearly, they try to make money from gold mining activities to undertake the criminal activities that they do. The criminals may want to take advantage of galamsey activities in our country to raise money to do what they do in other countries and what they may plan to do in our country.” He added.

Mr. Kan Dapaah, however, assured the nation that his outfit will keep checks on the development, saying measures are being put in place to avert any possible occurrence in the country.

“We are aware of this. We are studying it. We do know what has to be done in this area, and we are working hard to make sure we are not overtaken by events. But clearly, one way that you can make cheap money to go and undertake some of these criminal activities is galamsey, so it’s of interest,” Mr. Kan Dapaah alluded

Story: Franklin ASARE-DONKOH

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