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Gabby Congratulates NDC …Says party has settled on a solid team of accomplished propagandists 

Gabby Congratulates NDC ...Says party has settled on a solid team of accomplished propagandists 

A leading member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) Gabby Otchere Darko has said that the delegates of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) elected propagandists as their national executives during the congress on Saturday, December 17.



In a tweet reacting to the outcome of the NDC’s internal elections, Mr. Otchere-Darko said “Congratulations to the NDC and their new national officers! Asiedu Nketia is now the Chairman-General (apologies to Kwami!) What is clear is that Ghana’s opposition party has settled on a solid team of accomplished propagandists in all departments. The strategy for 2024 is set.”

During the Saturday internal elections of the NDC, Mr. Asiedu Nketia defeated the incumbent National Chair to occupy that position.

Regarding the General Secretary position, former lawmaker for Ketu South Fifi Fiavi Kwetey won. He is also the former Propaganda Secretary for the party.

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