Cholera outbreak looms in Cape Coast amid water crisis Health Directorate cautions
Cholera outbreak looms in Cape Coast amid water crisis Health Directorate cautions

Ghana in recent times has been recording outbreaks of cholera with some fatalities. Some communities in Ada West and East districts in the Greater Accra region, Agona West municipality among several communities in the Central region, Shama and its environs in the Western region have all recorded Cholera outbreaks.
Information coming from the Central Regional Health Directorate has it that there is a potential cholera outbreak in the Cape Coast Municipality due to an ongoing water crisis affecting several communities.
As of January 26, 2025, available data has it that 20 out of the 22 districts in the Central Region had recorded cholera cases, with a total of 14 deaths. Out of 1,929 suspected cases, 180 have been confirmed.
Health officials in the municipality are thus cautioning that if immediate action is not taken to address the water crisis affecting several communities, hundreds of residents could be at risk of contracting cholera and other infectious water-related diseases.
A Deputy Health Director of Public Health for the Central Region, Dr Joojo Cobinah, in an interview, warned that the water shortage could create conditions ripe for a cholera outbreak if not urgently addressed.
“If immediate interventions are not made to resolve this water shortage, more people will fall victim to the disease.
We urge residents to observe strict hygiene practices, including drinking clean water and proper handwashing. We are also calling on duty bearers to provide alternative water supplies to avert any possible surge,” Dr Cobinah cautioned.
Dr Cobinah urged all stakeholders to remain vigilant and collaborate to contain the outbreak.
Surveillance and monitoring efforts have been heightened as part of an emergency response.
He revealed that most of the deaths were preventable, as many patients arrived at health facilities in critical condition, while some were already deceased upon arrival.
The worsening situation has intensified calls for preventive measures to curb further transmission, with public health officials emphasising the importance of maintaining hygienic practices similar to those adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Cobinah also stressed the need for residents to seek prompt medical attention at healthcare facilities when experiencing symptoms like acute diarrhoea and dehydration to prevent severe illness or fatalities from cholera.
The most affected areas of acute water shortage are; Amomoma, Bonkus, Apewosika, Ola, and Nkanfoa.
According to some residents within the most affected communities, they haven’t had water in over three months, thus forcing many to buy water from tanker services at high prices and those who cannot afford the services of private water suppliers are forced to use unhygienic water.
In student-dominated areas like Amomoma, Bonkus, and Apewosika, the water crisis is said to have taken a toll on academic life. The situation needs urgent attention from stakeholders.