The era we are in is not time for experiments -Harold Esseku tells WASH Stakeholders
The era we are in is not time for experiments -Harold Esseku tells WASH Stakeholders

Ing. Harold Esseku, of the World Bank Ghana office, has challenged stakeholders in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector to leverage the numerous tried and tested programmes and policies to address the country’s sanitation issues.
According to him, Ghana has already piloted every idea that is needed to turn its water and sanitation fortunes around.
What is left now is for us to scale up the implementation of those that have worked and fine-tuned those which did not work. He said.
Ing. Esseku, threw a challenge when addressing participants at the launch of the 2023 edition of Ghana WASH Week in Accra on Tuesday, August 15, 2023.
He re-echoed the call for all sector players to work together in a collaborative manner to ensure that there is safe managed water and sanitation for all.
“We are not into competition with each other, we are all doing our bits to ensure that the country’s WASH sector challenges are addressed.” Ing. Esseku retorted.
He also tasked executives and members of the Coalition of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS), organisers of Ghana WASH Week initiative to consider using new media to reach out to the masses as well as to adopt modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to address emerging challenges.
The Ghana WASH Week is initiated to trigger a national consciousness about the need for improved WASH, particularly sanitation, and the importance of living in a clean, healthy environment.
The 2023 edition of the Ghana WASH Week is been organised by CONIWAS in collaboration with the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, the GAMA-SWP Project, SNV, Global Communities, WaterAid, World Vision, Ide SamaSama, Total Family Health Organisation, the NTD Secretariat, CRS, and Saha Global.