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Council of State member E. T. Mensah passes on 

Council of State member E. T. Mensah passes on 

Deep-throat sources confirmed to that the former MP had been on life-support at the South-African-based Netcare hospital for a few weeks now.

ET Mensah had a long and distinguished political career in Ghana, serving both as a Member of Parliament and in various ministerial roles. Born on May 17, 1946, he was widely recognized for his contributions to Ghanaian politics.

During the era of the PNDC military regime in Ghana, ET Mensah held the position of Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), essentially serving as the Mayor of Accra. He later became a member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) when it was established in 1992.

In 1996, he ran for the parliamentary election and was elected as a Member of Parliament for the Ningo-Prampram constituency, a position he held for nearly a decade. Even after the NDC lost the 2000 elections, he continued to serve as a member of parliament.

ET Mensah played significant roles within the Ghanaian parliament, serving as the Minority Chief Whip before the 2008 Ghanaian parliamentary election. In January 2009, he assumed the role of Majority Chief Whip in parliament.

At the beginning of the Fourth Republic, he was appointed as the Minister for Youth and Sports by President Jerry Rawlings, a position he held throughout both terms of the Rawlings government. In January 2010, following a cabinet reshuffle, President John Atta Mills appointed him as the Minister for Employment and Social Welfare.

ET Mensah was also a member of the Pan-African Parliament until January 2009 when he resigned after being appointed a member of the state. In January 2011, he was appointed as the Minister for Education, following the resignation of Betty Mould-Iddrisu.

His political career continued to thrive, and on February 12, 2021, ET Mensah was unanimously elected as the representative of the Council of State for the Greater Accra Region.

ET Mensah was married and had seven children, leaving behind a legacy of service and dedication to Ghanaian politics.

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