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Caucus for Democratic Governance, Ghana supports Demo Dubbed “Addison must go”

Caucus for Democratic Governance, Ghana supports Demo Dubbed "Addison must go"

In times like this, when dysfunctional leadership, amid the total collapse of the economy, has crippled the country: it is time citizens hold their leaders responsible for the economic mess created.

In a country where inflation is 43%, the highest in Africa, where citizens are struggling to feed themselves, where the national debt is over 600 billion GHc, and where domestic bondholders cannot access their funds; it is wrong for the Bank of Ghana to ignore priorities and invest 250 million dollars in its Headquarters leading the Bank to it’s insolvency.

CDG-GH and its members are fully in support of the minority Caucus in parliament to demand the resignation of the governor of the Bank of Ghana. Caucus for Democratic Governance is surprised at the mismanagement of the Bank of Ghana leading to its insolvency. The mismanagement has also led to the loss of 60.8 billion GHc to the state.

Despite the difficulties and the collapse of the Central Bank, we found it absurd for the bank to build a new headquarters.

CDG-GH calls on Ghanaians across the country to participate in the Demo.
Let us all rally to support this action on the 5th of September, 2023 to save the BoG and economy from further collapse.

Author: Justice Kpornyo

inghananewstoday is a 24-hour new media company with a wide array of products including general news, politics, business, technology, and a specialized segment on water and sanitation (WASH) issues.

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