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Mbella’s agent fires Kotoko CEO…Says he is acting more as an agent than a CEO of a club

Mbella's agent fires Kotoko CEO...Says he is acting more as an agent than a CEO of a club

Former Kotoko striker Frank Etouga Mbella’s agent has threatened not to negotiate for any Cameroonian player to join the Porcupine Warriors until the Nana Yaw Amponsah-led management is removed.

A clearly enraged Amadou Fontem Tingana accused the Kotoko Chief Executive of being overly concerned with money.

“let (Kotoko) know that it is not all about money, relationship counts but unfortunately they have destroyed that beautiful relationship with AS Fortuna. Kotoko still owes them $10, 000. Based on this issue, no Cameronian player will join Kotoko unless this current crop of management of Kotoko is out of office.”

“Players and Club Presidents in Cameroon know that the CEO of Kotoko is acting more as an agent than a club CEO,” he told Akoma Sports on Tuesday.

He said Nana Yaw Amponsah sold Etouga Mbella, who scored 21 goals last season, without his consent.

“The management at Kotoko is the poorest I have seen, no agent will accept what they are doing to their clients. I regret doing business with them.”

Mbella has joined Egyptian side Al-Masry.

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